Police Department
Message from the Chief
Welcome! On behalf of the Officers of the Danbury Township Police Department, I want to welcome you to our website.
We are committed to providing professional services to the residents of Danbury Township and our visitors. The Department is dedicated to a standard of excellence in promoting and maintaining a safe and secure community by adhering to our mission statement and guiding principles.
Mission Statement
"The Danbury Township Police Department, working in partnership with our community, will provide a high level of service through law enforcement and the protection of life, property, and the constitutional rights of those we serve. Additionally, we will work together with our community to identify needs and assist in problem solving."
Guiding Principles
- Dedication - We are dedicated to our chosen profession, our community and ourselves.
- Integrity - We hold ourselves accountable to the highest level of honesty, truthfulness, and ethical conduct in all matters private and public.
- Courage - We undertake our endeavors in adversity without hesitation and with an audacity unmatched by others.
- Empathy - We treat others fairly and respectfully.
I encourage you to visit our page often for updated information. Together we can ensure the highest level of safety and security that our residents and visitors deserve.
Michael S. Meisler
Chief of Police

Contact Information
Chief Michael S. Meisler
Phone: (419) 732-2549
Fax: (419) 732-1516
Email: [email protected] or
[email protected]
The Police Department is located at
419 S. Bridge Road (SR 269 South).
View on Map
Non-emergency calls may also be placed at The Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office (419) 734-4404

We currently have eight full-time officers. All Township Police Officers maintain constable status which permits their enforcement in the Village of Marblehead as needed.
Chief Michael Meisler - [email protected]
Detective Sergeant Mark Meisler - [email protected]
Sergeant Brad LaMarca
K-9 Kalahan (2019)
Patrol Officer John Belcher
Patrol Officer Nick Davenport
Patrol Officer Chuck Shuff
Patrol Officer Nolan Berkey
Patrol Officer Cody Ortolani
Patrol Officer Macy Rohrbach
Due to the success of the recent document shredding events held at Danbury Township Hall the trustees have agreed to provide a year-round shredding service for residents to help prevent identify theft. Two locked bins will be available inside the Danbury Township police station located at 419 S. Bridge Road (SR 269 South). AccuShred, a high-security information destruction company based in Toledo will shred your documents and the paper will be recycled. This service will be available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. There is no charge for residents however you must call the police station before bringing your documents to make sure an officer will be on-site when you arrive. The officer will escort you to the locked bins. The telephone number for the police station is (419) 732-2549.
Medication Drop-Off
The Township has received a grant from the Joint Solid Waste District for a secure drop box for residents to dispose of their unwanted medications year-round. The box will be located at the police station and the service will be free to residents. All you will need to do is call the Police Department (419) 732-2549 to make arrangements with the officer on duty.
Medications accepted include:
Prescription and over-the-counter medications, medication samples, narcotics (controlled substances), vitamins, and inhalers.
Residents are asked to keep medications in their original containers. Names and personal information should be crossed off or removed before dropping off. Please do not dispose of medical syringes/ needles or illicit drugs in the permanent drop-boxes.
Senior Watch
The Danbury Township Police Department will conduct daily checks of Senior residents whom live alone thru a color card system. Residents who are part of the program are asked to place a color coded card in their window to indicate whether they are okay or not. Police Chief Michael Meisler will personally meet with the resident to review what the program is, how it works and obtain necessary emergency contact information and medical history. He will also visit the home and determine the best window to place the card so officers can see while patrolling neighborhoods. Click here for more information or call the Police Department at (419) 732-2549.
Neighborhood Block Watch
For more information please call the Police Department at (419) 732-2549.
50th Anniversary of Danbury Township Police Department
In 2019, the Danbury Township Police Department will celebrate 50 years of dedicated service to our community. Each member of the department was issued a 50th Anniversary badge to wear proudly on their uniform. The members of our department are committed to making sure that Danbury Township continues to be a safe place to live and enjoy.