Arial photo 5-20-2017 Hirt_small

Danbury Township encompasses an area of 17.76 square miles which includes 32.75 miles of Lake Erie, Sandusky Bay and Harbor shoreline. The historic Village of Marblehead is located at the east end of the Township. The permanent population of Danbury is 4,924 with an additional 846 residing in the Village. Seasonal homes, condominiums, marina, campgrounds, cottages and recreational vehicle parks are home to a population of several thousand summer-only residents. Danbury was named for the original settlers who arrived from Danbury, Connecticut and became a township on March 6, 1840. The Village of Marblehead was incorporated in 1891.


"The Mission of the Danbury Township Board of Trustees is to provide fair and representative government for all citizens, to foster pride in the community, to ensure fiscal solvency, to preserve and protect natural and historical sites, and to operate within the parameters of the laws of the State of Ohio while making certain that the Township remains an enjoyable place to live for both permanent and seasonal residents."

Current News and Events

Current News & Events


We hope you enjoy our website and find new information that has never been posted before. Please be patient with us as we continue to add new information!

Public Records Request Form

We'll be using this section to post the most current information we need to communicate in a timely manner. As always, if you need to reach any of us just refer to the Contact Information.

Fall Township Newsletter

To view the most current Township Newsletter, please click here.

Trustee Meeting Change

Due to the inclement weather, the regular meeting of the Danbury Township Board of Trustees scheduled for Wednesday, February 12 at 6 PM will now be held Thursday, February 13 at 4 PM. Trustee meetings are held in the lower meeting room at Township Hall, 5972 Port Clinton Eastern Rd.

Incement Weather Notice

Please be advised that if Ottawa County goes to a Level 3 due to the ice and inclement weather forecasted for the evening of 02.12.25 and morning of 02.13.25, the Administration & Zoning Offices will not open. If Ottawa County is on a Level 2, the offices may open later than normal or until it is safe for staff to travel in. Please call 419.734.6120 or 419.732.3039 before coming to the Township Hall to ensure staff is in and available. 

Focus On Danbury Township Year-End Report

To view the Focus on Danbury Township Year-End Review for 2024, please click here.

Property Tax Increase Information

Posted 01.13.25: Extensive New Information from the Ottawa County Treasurer's Office. Please click here.

For more information about Danbury Township Trustees reinstating inside millage, please click here.

For more information about the 2025 tax increase due to 20-mill floor for school districts, please click here.

Complaints Regarding Utility Installations

To view this information in a printable PDF, please click here.

Please be advised that we are aware and have received numerous complaints from residents regarding Frontier utility installations occurring in the Township. Frontier has subcontracted the work with Mid-Ohio Utilities & MasTec, but ultimately Frontier is responsible for the work of their subs. Unfortunately, Danbury Township does not have jurisdiction over these companies or what they are doing.

Any utility company is permitted to work within a road right-of-way area. The physical street typically does not occupy the entire right-of-way width, so there is usually a grassy area on either side of the street that property owners do not physically own. Many people believe part of the right-of-way area is “their yard” because they are likely maintaining and mowing up to the physical roadway. Property owners physically own what is marked by the blue line as the “property line” and anything inside of that. If they are working inside your lot, then yes, you have every right to be concerned, but if they are working between the blue line and the road, then they are allowed.

Ottawa County Engineer’s Office (419.734.6777) requires permits for these companies, IF they are working within the right-of-way of a County or Township Road. The Engineer’s Office does not require a permit to work along a private street. If the County or Township is not maintaining your street, such as snow removal, then you are on a private street.

If these companies have entered onto your lot with their equipment and caused damage, you should photograph it, document the damage, including approximate date and time. If significant damage has been done to your physical lot (not in the right-of-way area), you are welcome to file a report with the Danbury Police Department (419.732.2549), but this is for documentation purposes only. You may also want to reach out to your personal attorney and homeowners’ insurance because it is considered to be a civil matter. Complaints should also be submitted directly to the utility companies as follows:

Frontier:   (800) 921-8101 Damage Property Dept.
     Michelle Alvarez
     (805) 975-6209
     [email protected]

Mid-Ohio Utilities:   (740) 777-7701

MasTec, Inc.:   (305) 599-1800   
     Ben Gilbert, VP of Development  
     (305) 795-2469         
     [email protected]

Brush Drop-Off Site

The brush drop-off site will CLOSE December 20th for the 2024 season. The site is located at 310 S. Bridge Road (SR 269 South) behind the dog park. For your safety, the brush area is not to be used after dusk. 

Rule Reminders:
No Grass Clippings
No Rootballs or Stumps
No Plastic Bags (paper yard bags are okay to leave behind)
No Contractors
No Dumping after Dusk

This is for residents of the Township. Please only bring leaves and tree limbs. Hay bales are acceptable, but please make sure they are broken apart and take the twine string with you. Plastic and string get tied up in the machinery when it's time to mulch it. The brush drop-off site typically re-opens in April. 


Available at the the brush drop off site is free mulch for residents. Residents are welcome to come fill their trucks or trailers on their own during daylight hours. A listing of dates that the Service & Maintenance Department crew will be available to assist residents to help load up is provided below.  Contractors are not permitted to use this service.

Mulch 2025 distribution dates will be as follows:  TBA We can load your vehicle for you, while supplies last, from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Mondays (but not on any legal holidays) starting April 1-September 30. We also load vehicles by appointment. Call (419) 734-4091

Cable Problems?

Information from the Ohio Department of Commerce who regulates Ohio's Cable TV Industry. Please click here for more information if you are having problems with your cable service provider. 

Electric Aggregation Program

Danbury Township residents are included in the Ottawa County Electric Aggregation Program.

Marblehead Village residents are not included in the Ottawa County Electric Aggregation at this time, because they signed under a separate program with a different rate and terms.

If you are a Toledo Edison Customer, please click here for flyer with more information.

If you are an Ohio Edison Customer, please click here for flyer with more information.

As of January 2025, we are learning there is a new company to contact as well. Dynegy Energy

2025 OSS Special Recycling Collections

Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca (OSS) Solid Waste District has opened their registration for 2025 Special Collections events. To view their flyer, please click here.

To keep harmful materials out of local landfills, the Ottawa Sandusky Seneca Solid Waste District (OSS) hosts annual special collection events for residents to properly dispose of unwanted materials. These collections focus on four main categories: Electronics, Tires, Appliances, and Household Hazardous Waste (HHW). These events are open to all residents of Ottawa, Sandusky, and Seneca counties, including all those in Bellevue and Fostoria. Businesses and institutions are not eligible to participate. These collections are mostly free for OSS District residents, aside from a small fee for tire recycling. These services are paid for and provided to Ottawa Sandusky and Seneca County residents by the OSS Solid Waste District.

Registration for all collections is currently open. Pre-registration is required to participate. Please take note of your county's collection location, as some sites have changed this year. Have a recycling question? Email OSS and they will get right back to you! Call: (419) 334-7222 or Email: [email protected].

Registration Requirement

To ensure adequate supplies and staffing, residents must pre-register for each collection. Registration can be completed online at For residents who do not have access to the internet, registration by phone is available by calling the District at 419-334-7222 and following the prompts:

  • Ottawa County residents: Extension 6
  • Sandusky County residents: Extension 7
  • Seneca County residents: Extension 8

When registering, please be prepared to provide your name, county of residence, preferred arrival timeslot, email address (if applicable), and the number of tires you plan to bring if registering for the tire collection. Collection sites are available in all three counties. Specific details, including dates, times, and locations, will be provided upon registration.

Electronics Collection

  • Registration Closes: May 1st
  • TV Fees: There will be no fees for television recycling this year.
  • Accepted: Audio/visual equipment, cables & cords, cell phones, computers & related equipment, copiers & printers, flat-screen LCD/plasma TVs, glass tube CRT TVs, radios, stereo components.
  • Not Accepted: Console, DLP, and projection TVs, as well as TVs with broken screens (for safety reasons).

More Info:

Residential Tire Collection

  • Registration Closes: June 26th
  • Fees: $1 per residential tire; $3 per racing tire. You must know the number of tires you plan to recycle when registering.
  • Farming Implement Tires: Farmers in the District with implement tires have a special collection for proper recycling. For more details, contact OSS Recycling Specialist Jim Darr at 419-334-7222 ext. 2 or [email protected].

More Info:

Appliance Collection

  • Registration Closes: June 26th
  • Accepted: Items primarily made of steel, including air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and lawnmowers.
  • Freezers/Refrigerators: Must be emptied of all food.
  • Not Accepted: Items primarily made of plastic, such as plastic fans and vacuum cleaners.

More Info:

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection

  • Registration Closes: October 9th
  • Accepted: Fluorescent lighting, household cleaners, mercury (liquids), thermostats & thermometers, paint-related materials, pesticides, roof tar/driveway sealers, spray aerosol cans.
  • Not Accepted: Motor oil, lead-acid batteries, gas cylinders, and non-regulated putties and adhesives.

Alternative Disposal Options:

  • Motor oil: Accepted at auto service stores such as Wal-Mart, O’Reilly’s, and Advance Auto Parts.
  • Lead-acid batteries: Return to any store that sells them.
  • Rechargeable batteries: Recycle at Lowe’s stores.
  • Alkaline batteries: Dispose of in household trash.
  • Gas cylinders (e.g., helium, CO2, acetylene): Accepted at Environmental Recycling Group and Rader Environmental.
  • Propane tanks: Accepted at the District’s Appliance Collection or at area scrap metal businesses.

More Info:

Waste Oil Furnace For Sale

This waste oil furnace is located in the maintenance building recently purchased by Danbury Township. The building is located at 434 S. Bridge Rd. (SR 269 South - directly across from the Police Station). The furnace has been declared surplus by the trustees. We have not established a dollar amount for this item and will entertain a fair offer on a first-come, first-served basis. You can view the unit during normal maintenance department hours by contacting Road Superintendent, Brett Waldron at (419) 734-4091 to set up a time. 

Click here for the listing.

Mazurik Fish Cleaning Station

In July 2023, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division along with Gov. Mike DeWine officially dedicated the opening of a state-of-the-art fish cleaning facility at the Mazurik boat launch located at 8957 Northshore Blvd., Marblehead, Ohio 43440. ODNR is hopeful to have the fish cleaning facility open each season in early April and close late November. Due to the plumbing system, the facility cannot be open in below freezing temperatures. The facility is open to the public at no cost. For more information on how to properly use the facility, please click here for a short video.


When parents are absent or unable to raise their children due to struggles with substance abuse, domestic violence, health concerns, financial instability, incarceration, etc., grandparents (and other adults) serve a critical and under-recognized role in our community by providing stable, loving environments for these children in need. Please CLICK HERE to view information from the Ottawa County Family Advocacy Center for services & assistance available.  

Property Fraud Alert

The Ottawa County Recorder's Office is introducing GovOS Property Alert, a free property fraud alert system. Property fraud is where a party fraudulently records documents against your property for financial gain or to attempt to take ownership without your knowledge. Property fraud is a fast-growing crime, as damaging as identity theft, with the added risk of losing your property. With this new fraud alert system, you can create an alert record in which you will receive an email notification anytime a document is recorded against your property or name. To view the flyer below, please click on the flyer or here. To sign up, go to Should you have trouble signing up, please contact the Ottawa County Recorder's Office at (419) 734-6730.

Recycling at Police Station

Our recycle area at 419 Bridge Road continues to be a source of frustration and concern for both Danbury Township and the Solid Waste District. We sadly found it necessary to have video surveillance due to the abuse of the area with non-recyclables (including a vacuum cleaner, table and chairs, dishwasher, mattress and numerous other trash items). It’s a great service for residents when it is used properly – and it is for residential use only. Unfortunately we have also found that a primary reason the dumpsters are overflowing so quickly is due to heavy use by businesses. This was never meant to be a service for businesses or contractors. Now it is interfering with residents being able to utilize the service. The Solid Waste District advised that if a business wishes to recycle they can make arrangements with Waste Management by calling or emailing Matthew Leis (248) 285-0330 [email protected] or Republic Services by calling (800) 234-3429.

We are asking that businesses voluntarily STOP using the residential recycling area. If you know of a business that does not utilize Facebook, please help make them aware of this information. We don’t want to eliminate recycling or brush drop-off but the abuse at both areas has become overwhelming for our employees. Please help us to help you keep these services and do not ever hesitate to contact the police at (419) 732-2549 to report abuse of our services.

Concerns & Complaints

It is the policy of the Danbury Trustees to not accept anonymous complaints regarding tall grass, junk vehicles or other nuisance concerns. A written complaint regarding issues within 500 feet of your property will be accepted and reviewed to determine what action may be taken. In the blue band above, please go to Departments, then Zoning and the tab about "Violations" for more information and to print out a complaint form.

Document Shredding & Prescription Rx Drop-off

The Danbury Township Police Department will resume accepting documents for secure shredding and and prescription drop-off services at the Police Station on SR 269. This is by appointment only to ensure an officer is present to place the items in the proper secure location. The direct number for the station is (419) 732-2549

Home Repair Information

Great Lakes Community Action Partnership (GLCAP) & Community Housing & Impact Preservation Program (CHIP) helps provide home repairs for eligible homeowners. For more information please Click Here for their flyer. You can also contact Sherry Evens, Program Clerk at [email protected] or (419) 333-6049

Now Accepting Reservations for Lake Point/ Lions Park Shelter House!

The Township has began accepting reservations for Lake Point/ Lions Park shelter house, but for a fee. It will continue to be open to the public daily unless otherwise posted as reserved. The cost to reserve the shelter house is $300. All reservations must be received by the first of the month of the month prior to the event  (i.e. July events, reservations must be made by June 1st). Reservations are on a first come, first serve basis and the date is not officially reserved until a complete reservation form and payment has been turned in. Once a reservation has been made, the party will have the shelter house reserved for them the entire day. We do not reserve more than one event per day. Attendees are asked to clean up after themselves and wrap up all activities by dusk. Reservation forms are available under the Service & Maintenance Departments web page or at the zoning office during their office hours. 

Tornado & Severe Weather Shelters


Rainbow Ridge

For more information regarding Rainbow Ridge at Meadowbrook Marsh in memory of the 10 animals that perished in a barn fire Thanksgiving evening 2019 at African Safari Wildlife Park, please click on the "Community" link above in the blue band and then select the "Rainbow Ridge" button. 

"No Surprise Act"

The Township is required to have this placed on our website per our insurance carrier.

The Transparency in Coverage mandate requires insurers and group health plans to make rate information publicly accessible to members and non-members starting July 2022. Medical Mutual will share rate information for Medical Mutual-contracted providers as well as historical allowed amounts and billed charges for out-of-network providers in a machine-readable file (MRF) format.  The information will be posted on a dedicated MRF landing page, accessible through To be considered compliant under the mandate, the regulations specify that ASO groups must include a link on their own website that directs users to the location of the publicly available MRFs.

The No Surprises Act (NSA), signed into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA), establishes federal standards to protect patients with health benefits coverage from “surprise” medical bills that may arise when receiving care from certain out-of-network providers and ancillary providers. 

Hearing Notices

Hearing Notices

Board of Zoning Appeals

02.19.25 BZA Agenda

The Danbury Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold adjudication hearings at the Danbury Township Hall, 5972 E. Port Clinton Eastern Road, Marblehead, Ohio 43440 on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, beginning at 6:00 p.m. on the following applications:

BZA-2025-009              355 S. Bridge. Request for an Area Variance from Section 5.10.3 to reduce the parking size to 9’ x 18’ for 71 of the parking spaces where 10’ x 20’ is the size required. Section 5.10.3.C.ii to reduce the number of parking spaces required to 79 (85 required). Section 5.10.4.A.i to allow the edge of the parking area to be 3’ from the property line where 5’ is required from the west, front property line and east rear property line. Peninsula Endeavors/ Roberta Bero, Owner/Applicant; Jill Stevenson, Co-Owner/Agent.

Parties wishing to give testimony may appear in person or by attorney. Said hearing(s) may be continued from time to time as necessary. A copy of the aforementioned application may be viewed at the office of the Zoning Inspector at Danbury Township Zoning Department during normal business hours or by clicking on the case information above.
Posted 02.03.25 @ 8:17a.m.

Zoning Commission

None at this time.

Board of Trustees

Due to the inclement weather, the regular meeting of the Danbury Township Board of Trustees scheduled for Wednesday, February 12 at 6 PM will now be held Thursday, February 13 at 4 PM. Trustee meetings are held in the lower meeting room at Township Hall, 5972 Port Clinton Eastern Rd.


Contact Information

Danbury Township Hall
5972 E. Port Clinton Eastern Rd.
Marblehead, OH 43440
Phone: (419) 732-3039
Fax:     (419) 734-3137
Hours for the Trustees & Fiscal Officer are by appointment.


Trustee John Paul Dress:
(419) 341-0404 
[email protected]

Trustee David Hirt: 
(419) 732-2703
[email protected]

Trustee Dianne Rozak: 
(419) 340-9359
[email protected]

Fiscal Officer - Brinkley Paul: 
(419) 732-3039 
[email protected]

Administrative Assistant to Trustees & Fiscal Officer
Lynne James
(419) 732-3039 
[email protected]
Hours: M, Tu, Th:     8a - 4p
Wednesday: 12p - 8p
Friday:          7a - 3p

Fire:   Chief Shawn Hunsicker
[email protected]
Station 1 - Headquarters
7870 E. Harbor Road
Marblehead, OH 43440
Phone: (419) 798-5219
Fax:      (419) 798-9122

Police: Chief Michael Meisler
419 S. Bridge Road
Marblehead, Ohio 43440
Phone: (419) 732-2549
Fax:      (419) 732-1516
Hours:  24 hours. If an officer
does not answer, you may leave
a message for a non-emergency
situation. Non-emergency calls
may also be placed at the Ottawa
County Sheriff’s Office
(419) 734-4404.
Email: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Emergency calls: please dial 911

Maintenance Garage:
Road Supervisor, Brett Waldron
Phone: (419) 734-4091
Fax:      (419) 734-3137
Hours: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday thru Friday
Email: [email protected]

Zoning & Planning Administrator
Kathryn A. Dale, AICP
Email: [email protected]

Zoning Assistant
Michelle Teresi (April 1-October 1)
Email: [email protected]

Assistant Zoning Inspector
Marcel Sorgi (April 1 - October 1)
Email: [email protected]

 (419) 734-6120
Fax:      (419) 734-3137
Hours:  T, TH, F: 9:00a to 3:00p
W.: 9:00-11:00a & 4:00p-6:30p
The Zoning Office is CLOSED on Mondays