Zoning Department
Zoning was adopted in November 1975, dividing the Township into zones or districts regulating the size, location, height, and use of buildings and structures, the area and dimensions of lots that are deemed best suited to carry out the purpose of promoting public health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare; to conserve and protect property and property values; to secure the most appropriate use of land, and to facilitate adequate but economical provisions of public improvements and prescribing penalties and proceedings for the administration and enforcement of the Zoning Resolution.

Contact Information
Kathryn A. Dale, AICP
Zoning & Planning Administrator
Email: [email protected]
Dawn Connor
Zoning Assistant
Email: [email protected]
Marcel Sorgi (Seasonal, May 1 - Sept. 30)
Assistant Zoning Inspector
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (419) 734-6120
Fax: (419) 734-3137
Hours: T, TH, F: 9:00a to 3:00p
W.: 9:00a - 11:00a and 4:00p - 6:30p
Office is CLOSED on Mondays
Closed All Legal Holidays
**All payments must be made by check or money order. We are prohibited from accepting cash. Credit cards are also not accepted.**
The Zoning Office is located at
5972 E. Port Clinton Eastern Road
Marblehead, Ohio 43440
View on Map
Property Fraud Alert
The Ottawa County Recorder's Office is introducing GovOS Property Alert, a free property fraud alert system. Property fraud is where a party fraudulently records documents against your property for financial gain or to attempt to take ownership without your knowledge. Property fraud is a fast-growing crime, as damaging as identity theft, with the added risk of losing your property. With this new fraud alert system, you can create an alert record in which you will receive an email notification anytime a document is recorded against your property or name. To view the flyer below, please click on the flyer or here. To sign up, go to ottawa.oh.publicsearch.us/property-alert. Should you have trouble signing up, please contact the Ottawa County Recorder's Office at (419) 734-6730. (Posted 03.14.24)
Click below the report you wish to view of the Zoning Department Annual Activity
The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) is a quasi-judicial board consisting of 5 appointed members and 2 alternates. Their responsibilities include hearing requests for Appeals, Area Variances, Conditional Uses and Special Exceptions.
The Board of Zoning Appeals meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month unless there are no cases to be heard. Their meetings are held in the Township Hall and begin at 6:00 p.m.
The following Danbury Township residents serve on this Board:
- Clyde Shetler, Chair
- Sherry Roberts, Vice-Chair
- Greg Huffman, Secretary
- Joseph Fetzer, Member
- Joseph Kruse, Member
- Julie Cottingham, Alternate
- James Switzer, Alternate
Anyone interested in serving on the BZA can submit an Appointed Position Application as well as their resume to the Zoning Inspector’s office.
A Land Use Plan is a policy document that serves as a vision for the future which is intended to guide decision making that designates appropriate land uses based on infrastructure and development constraints for physical development. Comprised of policy statements, principles, goals, objectives, strategies and maps, the Plan guides the physical, social, and economic development of the Township and its neighborhoods, including both private and public development. Land is an exhaustible resource that once developed and converted to a use, is often difficult to change. Land will continue to be developed, but the pattern, rate, timing and location of how land is developed can be shaped by the Township through well-founded planning policies. When considering the future land use pattern the key question is not whether or not Danbury will grow, but how it will grow and change in a responsible and respectful way to serve future residents.
Prior Land Use Plans:
Danbury Township issues Zoning Certificates for projects in the Township as required under Zoning Resolution. Zoning review considers whether the project meets location, size and use standards. Ottawa County issues Building Department reviews considers the structural construction of the project, seeking to ensure the integrity of the structure and safety of the work. Many projects require both a Zoning Certificate and a Building Permit. An approved Zoning Certificate is required in most instances, prior to applying for a Building Permit.
Steps & Process for Permits
Ottawa County Office Directory
Please call (419) 734-6120 to verify whether a Building permit is required before starting any construction project or starting a business. Zoning permits are required for, but not limited to, the following type of projects:
- Single Family Residential: ** Sect. 3.5
- Multi-family/ Condominium Developments: **Sect. 4.7
- Non-Residential (Commercial & Industrial) Buildings: ** Sect. 3.4 & Sect. 3.5
- Additions: ** Sect. 3.5 & Sect. 5.1
- Signs: **Art. 6
- Accessory Structures (sheds, garages, gazebos): **Sect. 5.2
- Swimming Pools: **Sect. 5.12
- Porches & Decks: ** Sect. 3.5 & Sect. 5.1
- Fences: **Sect. 5.5
- Change of Use: ** Sect. 3.4 & Sect. 7.5
- All Nonconforming (grandfathered) uses & structures: **Sect. 7.12
- Home Occupations: **Sect. 4.11
- Boat Docks
- Remodelling
- Agricultural Buildings & Uses (No fee, but application required to be submitted).** Please go to Zoning Resolution Sections for more specific requirements**
**All payments must be made by check or money order. We are prohibited from accepting cash. Credit cards are also not accepted.**
The Ottawa County Building Department can be reached at:
Ottawa County Courthouse
315 S. Madison Street, Suite 104
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452
P. (419) 734-6767
F. (419) 734-6853
Hours: 7:30a.m. - 4:30p.m.
Ottawa County Forms-Applications-Other-Documents
** Should you have any problems receiving your permits from the County in a timely manner, please reach out to the
Ottawa County Commissioners Office.**
The Zoning Department cannot recommend builders, contractors or surveyors for projects. Below are lists produced by the Ottawa County Building Department and Engineer's Office of registered companies:
Registered Contractor Lists (Demo, Electrical, Fire Suppression, General, HVAC, Plumbing, etc.)
Surveyors & Civil Engineers
Ottawa County Regional Planning Commission
315 Madison Street, Rm 107
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452
Phone: (419) 734-6780
Fax: (419) 734-1211
Any new lots that are created must meet the lot size requirements of the zoning district in which the property is located. To verify the zoning classification, please contact the Zoning Department at (419) 734-6120. The zoning classification and lot size requirements are listed in the Zoning Resolution.
Recorded subdivision plats that show lot dimensions and street right-of-way widths can be found at the Zoning Department or the Ottawa County Recorder's Office.
Ottawa County Recorder
315 Madison Street, Rm 204
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452
Phone: (419) 734-6730
Fax: (419) 734-6919
All complaints or concerns regarding a property in the Township is required to fill out one of the two complaint forms below. Telephone complaints will not be accepted or given the same priority as a written complaint.
Complaints concerning tall grass, abandoned property, or junk vehicles must file a Nuisance Complaint form. This form must be signed by the complainant. The form can then be submitted to the Zoning Department or directly with a Trustee. At the next Trustee meeting, the Board will discuss the issues of the complaint and a Trustee will be assigned the case to follow-thru on.
Complaints concerning potential Zoning Violations, (i.e. Construction with no building permit, illegal business operation, illegal rentals) must fill out a Zoning Violation Complaint form. Anonymity is acceptable. The form must be submitted to the Zoning Department before the Inspector will start the investigation.
Violation Process & Fines
Every violation is allotted a timeframe for compliance based on the severity of the situation. The position of the Township is to work with a property owner and provide reasonable time for compliance prior to filing court action. In most cases, a Warning Letter will be sent to the property owner outlining the infractions and the time period to comply. Upon reinspection, if the owner has failed to comply, another letter “Notice to Comply” will be sent. If upon the follow-up inspection, the owner still has not complied, then all photographs, letters and any other supporting documentation concerning the violation will be forwarded to the Trustees to declare a Nuisance and potentially abate, or to the Township's Legal Counsel or to the County Prosecutor.
For a complete outline of the violation process, please view the Danbury Township Complaints & Violations Procedure Policy established in 2013 and Updated in 2023.
The Zoning Commission (ZC) is a board consisting of 5 appointed members and 2 alternates. Their responsibilities include hearing requests for Text Amendments and Map Amendments to the Zoning Resolution and Map. They are a recommending body to the Board of Trustees.
The Zoning Commission meets typically the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Township Hall.
The following Danbury Township residents serve on the Commission:
- Susan Dress, Chair
- Jodi Kopanski, Vice-Chair
- Vito Kaminskas, Secretary
- William Tuttamore, Member
- Barbara Singer, Member
- Cynthia Mahl, Alternate
- Douglas Huber, Alternate
Current Resolution and Map
- Current Zoning Resolution & Map
- Zoning Map Only - Please call (419) 734-6120 for zoning verification.
Prior Zoning Resolutions:
- 1975 (Used 11/1975 - 9/1982)
- 1982 (Used 9/1982 - 3/1984)
- 1984 (Used 3/1984 - 7/1988)
- 1988 (Used 7/1988 - 6/1989)
- 1989 (Used 6/1989 - 12/1989)
- 1989 (Used 12/1989 - 10/1990)
- 1990 (Used 10/1990 - 1/1993)
- 1993 (Used 1/1993 - 10/1993)
- 1993 (Used 10/1993 - 1/1994)
- 1994 (Used 1/1994 - 9/1994)
- 1994 (Used 9/1994 - 3/1995)
- 1995 (Used 3/1995 - 7/1995)
- 1995 (Used 7/1995 - 11/1996)
- 1996 (Used 11/1996 - 8/1997)
- 1997 (Used 8/1997 - 4/1999)
- 1999 (Used 4/1999 - 8/2002)
- 2002 (Used 8/2002 - 6/2003)
- 2003 (Used 6/2003 - 2/2006)
- 2006 (Used 2/2006 - 5/2007)
- 2007 (Used 5/2007 - 4/2008)
- 2008 (Used 4/2008 - 1/2009)
- 2009 (Used 1/2009 - 9/2009)
- 2009 (Used 9/2009 - 5/4/2011)
- 2011 (Used 5/4/2011 - 5/2012)
- 2012 (Used 5/2012 - 12/26/2013)
- 2014 (Used 12/26/2013 - 12/10/2014)
- 2015 (Used 12/10/14 - 12/11/2015)
- 2016 (Used 12/11/15 - 05/27/2016)
- 2017 (Used 12/22/16 - 01/13/2018)
- 2018 (Used 01/14/2018 - 01/26/2019)
- 2019 (Used 01/27/2019 - 01/22/2020)
- 2020 (Used 01/23/2020 - 02/28/2021)
- 2021 (Used 03/01/2021 - 12/10/21)
- 2022 (Used 12/10/2021 - 07/29/22)
- 2022 (Used 07/30/2022 - 01/13/23)
- 2023 (Used 01/14/2023 - 06/25/23)
- 2023 (Used 06/26/2023- 08/17/23)
- 2023 (Used 08/18/2023-12/12/24)
- 2024/2025 (Used 12/13/2024-Current)
New Maps will be posted as completed.
Historical Maps
1874 Danbury Map
1900 Danbury Map
1900 Lakeside Map
1900 Marblehead Map